Monday, July 7, 2008

John Kerry Spins Out of Control

John Kerry likes to tell lies. And he has for 40 years and still is at it today. From his Congressional testimony of accusing his fellow Vietnam veterans of being like Genghis Khan, that he was a war hero ("reporting for duty"), about WMDs in Iraq (they were there under Clinton, but Bush lied), to his latest statements that John McCain doesn't have the judgement to be President, he keeps on going...

It's a good thing, then, that McCain rejected overtures from Kerry in 2004 to run with Kerry as his candidate for vice president.

Kerry was on Face the Nation July 6, and had nothing nice to say about his Senate colleague.

As quoted by the Associated Press: "If you like the Bush tax cut and what it's done to our economy, making wealthier people wealthier and the average middle class struggle harder, then John McCain is going to give you a third term of George Bush and Karl Rove."

Personally, I liked my middle-class tax cut. The fact that the cuts were for all taxpayers doesn't bother me at all. The fact that the top 10 percent of wage earners pay nearly 50 percent of federal personal income tax says a lot. Yes, they could afford to pay some more, but that's not the point here. The tax cuts spurred new growth, and it helped more than hurt. Raising taxes now, with energy and food prices going higher, will really put the brakes on the economy.

Kerry says that McCain was wrong in his judgement about the Iraq war; however, McCain was the one who stood up to the administration and urged Bush to send more U.S. troops to Iraq to help control violence. McCain supported additional troops from the very start. Kerry and Obama did not support the addition of troops. Violence in Iraq has dropped to the lowest level, the Iraqi government is making progress toward effective self-government and the Iraqi Army is doing more and more each day. All facts that Kerry denies.

Kerry says McCain has flipped-flopped on more issues than he was accused of during the last Presidential campaign. I'm not going to sit down and count the issues, but I'm sure that McCain is much more steadfast in his views than Kerry or Obama has ever been or ever will be. Both Kerry and Obama have said, and will say, what the current set of voters want to hear.

The Associated Press wrapped up the story this way:

Not too long ago, Kerry might have described McCain, a fellow Vietnam veteran and former prisoner of war, as a bipartisan ally who could provide guidance on national security issues.

McCain came to Kerry's aid in March 2004 after Bush and his campaign tried to paint the Democrat as weak on defense. He rejected the suggestion in broadcast interviews and chided both parties for waging such a "bitter and partisan" campaign.

The two senators also discussed the vice presidency several times before McCain finally rejected Kerry's overtures to form a bipartisan ticket. Kerry ultimately selected then-Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., to join the ticket.

For the record, Kerry is not among those being mentioned as possible running mates for McCain.

However, McCain supporter Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who was also on Face the Nation, said that McCain was right about the war.

"John understood we were losing in Iraq, quite frankly," Graham told host Bob Schieffer. "After Baghdad fell, we had the wrong strategy in place. And John, above anybody else in the country, spoke against his own administration, argued to Rumsfeld that we didn't have enough troops. So it's not just a few dead-enders. And he risked his own political career to turn it around."

Graham said Sen. Barack Obama was wrong to predict the "surge" would not work and that troops should be withdrawn. "The big test for this country is, how do you avoid losing in Iraq? If we'd have listened to Barack Obama, we would have lost. If we listen to him now, we will lose in the future and undercut all the gains we've made.

"We're winning because John McCain understood Iraq better than anybody else. The surge has worked. The political, economic and military progress in Iraq is undeniable.

"The biggest loser in Iraq is al Qaeda because the Muslims in Iraq joined with us and turned on them, and they've punished al Qaeda in Iraq. Any time a Muslim will take up arms against bin Laden's sympathizers, we're all safer.

"The only way we can lose this war now is to go down the road that Obama suggests," Graham said.

"And that's pulling out, sending a signal to al Qaeda, 'Don't give up hope'; telling Iran, 'You can still feel the vacuum created in Iraq.'

"The enemy is on their knees and the only person talking in a way to get them off their knees is Barack Obama."

Enough said about the outright distortion of the truth by Kerry.

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